Welcome to our life!! This is our journey through life raising a child with Type 1 Diabetes and all the craziness that ensues!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

like a cheezy Cher song

Just like the song I wish I could turn back time.I wish I could find a way.Just for one day

I wish I could just go back to before diabetes entered our lives.

I wish I could go back to a time when I had a carefree 3 yr old.

Can you imagine if we were allowed one day to just experience life again before the big D???

Just imagine what it would be like??

Can you Imagine?

I know for me I have a hard time imagining this, it has all become second nature to me.

I know that before Madison was diagnosed that I never imagined the life we now live.But I dont think I would know how to go back to a normal life.

Imagine not piercing your childs skin countless times a day?

Imagine just putting dinner on your childs plate without measuring the food? I dont think I could as I caught myself measuring a playdates food the other day.

Imagine just walking out the door with your purse and child?

Imagine not having a cupboard or drawer designated for your childs lifesustaining supplies?

Imagine not dealing with all the headaches of insurance companies?

Imagine sending your child off to school with the only worry being that they learn lots and make friends?

I know it is hard to imagine this as it is now our normal but I know that one day soon our old lives will be our new lives because there will be a cure. I know this because I keep imagining the day I hear it on the news or get the call from the doctors office.That day will come keep imagining it and it will become reality.