Welcome to our life!! This is our journey through life raising a child with Type 1 Diabetes and all the craziness that ensues!!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Life Lately

Its been along time since I posted on here we have been really busy.Getting ready for the Telus Walk To Cure Diabetes and a coin drive at Madisons school plus of course just the normal craziness of the D life. 

We had our last checkup at childrens on April 19th and I didnt get the go ahead for a pump but we did switch to basal bolus using injections.For those reading that don't know that is basically imitating what a healthy pancreas does but using injections.So Madison gets a shot of longacting insulin at bedtime and now whenever she eats food containing carbs she gets a shot.It is alot more work as we have to be totally precise at carb counting but we are seeing much better blood sugar levels. It also means that I am at the school everyday for lunch to give a shot plus I am also called to give a correction shot at 10 or 2 if she needs one. So basically I spend most of my day running back and forth to the school.I am finding it really exhausting so I am looking forward to summer break in 5 weeks.

Our endo did tell us that he will give us the go ahead for the pump at our next visit in October if Madisons A1C comes down to within range. I am really looking forward to the pump.She will be able to operate the pump herself at school with the supervision of a trained seta and myself being on the phone during operation of the pump. I can only dream about the freedom right now. Imagine not holding my cell phone like it is the most precious thing in the world; waiting for that phone call from the school.But for now It is what it is .

However I do believe the kids in the class would miss me as I get hugs from 10 little girls upon entering and exiting the class.I have been instructed to make sure I give one little blonde beauty a bigger hug than the rest.I think she might be a little jealous of other kids hugging her mommy. I also add an entertainment value to lunchtime.  They all love to watch Madison get her shot and all comment on how tough she is.She just loves the attention.I realize I spend way too much time at the school giving shots when a boy in another class came up to me on the playground to tattle on another child. He thought I was one of the supervisors. 

Well it isnt a school day but we are off to another crazy day of  the D life . Will post again soon.Wishing everyone good numbers and lots of sleep in the days ahead.

1 comment:

  1. Awww you are such a great mummy. I get the love and commitment just reading your words. Yay for heading towards pumping. How exciting! Look forward to reading along how that journey goes.
